Monday 11 September 2017

Back Pain in Atlanta – Common Reasons!

There are millions of people who complain of Back Pain in Atlanta. As a matter of fact, it has been found that the pain in back is the primary cause of disability among those younger than 45 years of age. There are several things that can trigger it. Listed below are a few reasons that can cause pain in back.

Problems Related To Spine

It is often that back pain triggers as something is off in the way your spinal muscles joints, nerves and discs. The orthopedic surgeon would check to see if you have:

Bulging Discs

These protrude however not as much as with a herniated disc. There are no symptoms usually. You will feel the pain in case it pushes on a nerve root, although.

Slipped or Herniated Discs

In case your spine surgeon mentions this then soft tissues located between your joints has come out. The condition occurs because of wear and tear. This condition can cause lower back pain or pain in hip because nerves located there are pressed.

Degenerative Disc Disease

The shock absorbers, also known as discs, located between the spine vertebrae, tear or shrink. This, in turn, causes the bones to rub together. This happens as your grow older.

Spinal Stenosis

In case you have been diagnosed with this condition then your spinal canal has narrowed. Consequently, your shoulders and legs perhaps feel numb. This condition is common among people more than 60 years of age.


It is a condition in which a bone in the spine slips out of place and forward, generally in the lower back. This particular degenerative form of condition is known as arthritis. It weakens the ligaments and joints keeping the spine aligned. It can further cause a disc to move forward over a vertebra.

These are some of the most common reasons for Spine Back Pain Atlanta.

Friday 23 June 2017

Cervical Spine Surgery in Atlanta – For Treating Slipped or Herniated Disc

In recent years, number of people complaining of back pain has increased like never before. According to a study conducted, there are several reasons which trigger pain in back and neck. Although most of these conditions can be managed and treated non-invasively, there are some that need surgery. If you have been recommended Atlanta Spine Surgery for cervical spine then reading further might help you.

In cervical spine surgery, a slipped disc, also known as herniated disc, is treated. Herniated disc is common and usually occurs with the ageing. This particular surgery is performed in neck so that the surgeon can have access to the spine. Just like any other surgical procedure, recovering from cervical spine surgery is not easy and takes time. There are some factors that decide the number of days a patient would spend in hospital after the surgery. Listed below are some of these factors:
  1. How the patient’s body reacts to the surgery?
  2. What the surgeon has to say about the procedure and what will follow afterwards?
Usually, a patient is required to stay in hospital for a week after undergoing Spine Surgery in Atlanta. Depending on the condition of a patient, spine surgeon can ask to get up or walk on the second or third day of the surgery. This is done in order to alleviate the pressure on the spine.

The patient should take rest for five weeks after returning home to recover completely. Make sure that you adhere to the instructions given by the cosmetic surgeon for fast and quick recovery. No undue pressure should be placed on spine during this period. Any stress on the neck can hamper the chances of full and timely recovery. One thing that you should do to make sure for quick recovery is talk to one of the chosen Spine Surgeons Atlanta properly to know about the procedure.

Tuesday 13 June 2017

Benefits of Minimally Invasive Atlanta Spine Surgery

The concept of minimally invasive spine surgery has made it possible for many people to resume basic activities with ease. Minimally invasive Atlanta Spine Surgery involves the use of relatively smaller incisions through which a camera and surgical instruments are lowered. The camera lets the spine surgeon to have a look at area where surgery has to be performed while using instruments for performing different types of spine surgeries such spinal decompression or spinal fusions. Contrary to is an open surgery in which 6 inch long incisions is made for moving the muscles to see the spine.

Benefits of minimally invasive Spine Surgery Atlanta:

There are several cosmetic, physical, psychological and recovery benefits associated with this kind of surgery.

Reduces the Risk of Complications – In this surgery, small incisions are made which lowers the chances of excessive bleeding, infections at the surgical site and several other complications.

Reduces the Risk of Muscle Damage – In minimally invasive, there arises no need of pulling muscles aside to get a glimpse of the spine. This, in turn, lowers the risk of damage to the soft tissues around the area to be operated.

Less Pain – In comparison to traditional surgery which triggers a lot of pain and discomfort, nothing such thing happens with the minimally invasive procedure. It causes less discomfort and pain after surgery which means short hospital stay. Less pain less injections and pain killers to subside pain and discomfort.

Faster Recovery – It is one of the biggest advantages of minimally invasive methods. It takes shorter recovery time because of the small incisions made which do not affect the soft tissues and surrounding muscles.

These are some of the many benefits associated with minimally invasive spine surgery procedures. Consulting one of the experienced and specialists Spine Surgeons in Atlanta would help you discover other advantages as well.

Friday 9 June 2017

Back Pain Atlanta – Treatment Depends on the Symptoms

The term back pain is common. Almost every third person complains of the same. Back pain can include upper back pain, lower back pain with sciatica, middle back pain or lower back pain. Arthritis, degenerative disc disease and muscular and nerve problems can trigger pain in back. Back Pain Atlanta can be relieved with pain killers and medication. The most important thing is to consult an orthopedic surgeon if you find no respite from the pain after a month or so.

Back Pain Treatment in Atlanta depends on the symptoms one is experiencing or suffering from. Most people might have experienced back pain at some or the other point in their life. As far as causes of back pain are considered, they are many. While some are self-inflicted because of lifetime of bad habits, others are genetic. Other causes of pain and discomfort in back are sports injuries, accidents and muscle strains.

Listed below are some of the most common symptoms of back pain.

  1. Inability to stand straight without having muscle spasms or pain in the lower back
  2. Localized or sharp pain in the lower back, upper back or neck –specifically after engaging in strenuous activity or after lifting heavy objects (it is important to note that pain in the upper back can also be the symptom for heart attack or any other life threatening condition)
  3. Pain in lower back which radiates from the lower back part to the buttock, down the thigh’s back  and into the toes and calf
  4. Chronic pain in the lower or middle back, particularly after standing or sitting for a long time
  5. Persistent stiffness or pain anywhere around spine, starting from the base of the neck to the tail bone

On the basis of the symptoms, orthopedic surgeon would recommend the best Back Pain Treatment.

Monday 27 March 2017

Back Pain Atlanta –Right And Effective Treatment Can Make A Difference!

Back pain is one of the most common problems these days. Irrespective of age, it can happen to anyone. There are several factors which contribute to this condition. Stress, poor lifestyle, improper and unhealthy eating habits and poor posture are some of the most common reasons which trigger pain in back. Living with it can become difficult because it can affect daily activities. Those who are working find it challenging to continue with work. If you are living in Atlanta then timely treatment can alleviate pain and discomfort. Back Pain Atlanta can be treated by consulting an experienced and skilled orthopedic or spine surgeon.

There are different treatment options available for people who are suffering from it. It is only when you consult a doctor that you would be recommended the right treatment. A comprehensive check-up is performed to identify the root cause of pain in back. On the basis of the diagnosis, the orthopedic doctor recommends the best Back Pain Treatment Atlanta. Usually, it is the trial and error method which works in such a case. On the basis of your condition, doctor might recommend medication, cold or hot therapy or other exercises. In some cases, injections and steroids are also given to alleviate discomfort and pain associated with the pain. Surgery is the last option and is performed in rare cases.

The success of the Spine Back Pain Treatment in Atlanta depends on the orthopedic or spine surgeon you are choosing. Look for an experienced, board certified and highly qualified doctor who has been treating patients suffering from back pain. Also, do pay attention to the facilities and amenities offered at the doctor’s clinic. You can read reviews and feedback online before making any decision. In addition, you can also seek reference from your friends who have already undergone back pain treatment and are living normal life.

Tuesday 21 March 2017

Spondylolisthesis Treatment Options

The number of people suffering from spondylolisthesis is increasing at fast pace. Instead of panicking, it is important to learn about different non-surgical Spondylolisthesis Pain Treatment options that might be your key to live a normal life.


Spine surgeon recommends pain medications like acetaminophen or NSAID’s or oral steroids for reducing inflammation in the area.

Ice or Heat Application

Either of these applications helps in reducing localized pain. Ice is recommended when a sudden activity has caused the pain while heat application is recommended for relaxing the muscles and promoting better flow of blood and a healing environment.

Physical Therapy

Stretching is one of the most recommended exercises. Start with hamstring and progress with time. Also, pay attention while stretching the hamstrings two times a day for alleviating stress on the lower back. Follow the exercise regime as recommended by the surgeon.

Manual Manipulation
Manual manipulation or chiropractic manipulation from physiatrists, osteopathic doctors and trained and qualified professionals helps in reducing the pain by mobilizing painful joint.

Epidural Steroid Injections

Injections can be of great help in case you are suffering from severe pain. They also help in minimizing the inflammation in the area. If these injections are found to be effective then the condition of a patient can progress with non-surgical treatment and physical therapy.

Spondylolisthesis Surgery

Usually, patients find relief with non-surgical treatment options when suffering from spondylolisthesis. However, if there is no relief then the surgery is considered as the last resort. Spinal fusion surgery for Spondylolisthesis Treatment Atlanta is considered the most effective remedy. However, it is important to note that it is often considered as the last resort and performed only in those cases where a patient shows no signs of improvement after following non-surgical treatment for more than six months. It is quite an effective procedure, however it might consume a lot of time to recover from it.

Tuesday 21 February 2017

Recovery from Spine Surgery In Atlanta

Recovering from any type of surgery can be a difficult and long process. When it comes to Atlanta Spine Surgery, recovery time varies from one person to the other and on the type of surgery one has undergone. There are several other factors too which determine the recovery time.

If you have undergone spine surgery as a part of Spine Treatment Atlanta then you might be aware that recuperating from it is a long process. You have to undergo a strict rehabilitation process. The overall strength of the patient and ability of body to heal are two factors which determine the recovery period. In order to recuperate quickly from this kind of surgery, make sure that you do not push yourself as it might cause setback in the process of recovery. Take as much rest as possible after undergoing this type of surgery.

Once you are back home after Spine Surgery in Atlanta, resume normal activities slowly and steadily as recommended by the surgeon. Try not to walk and work much in the kitchen after surgery. There is very possibility that you might be thinking that working in the kitchen is simple and might not cause any strain, however contrary is the truth. Thus, try to minimize work in the kitchen. If a few daily use things are placed either close to the floor higher than your reach, ask someone to place them at your arm’s reach so that you do not strain or stress your back.

Spine Surgeons Atlanta recommend exercise program to patients who have under gone spine surgery. Make sure that you adhere to the instructions given by the surgeon for faster and better recovery. Usually, surgeons recommend short walk to such patients. In case you have a stiff back with a dull or mild back pain, take warm shower or small work to disperse the pain.