Monday 11 September 2017

Back Pain in Atlanta – Common Reasons!

There are millions of people who complain of Back Pain in Atlanta. As a matter of fact, it has been found that the pain in back is the primary cause of disability among those younger than 45 years of age. There are several things that can trigger it. Listed below are a few reasons that can cause pain in back.

Problems Related To Spine

It is often that back pain triggers as something is off in the way your spinal muscles joints, nerves and discs. The orthopedic surgeon would check to see if you have:

Bulging Discs

These protrude however not as much as with a herniated disc. There are no symptoms usually. You will feel the pain in case it pushes on a nerve root, although.

Slipped or Herniated Discs

In case your spine surgeon mentions this then soft tissues located between your joints has come out. The condition occurs because of wear and tear. This condition can cause lower back pain or pain in hip because nerves located there are pressed.

Degenerative Disc Disease

The shock absorbers, also known as discs, located between the spine vertebrae, tear or shrink. This, in turn, causes the bones to rub together. This happens as your grow older.

Spinal Stenosis

In case you have been diagnosed with this condition then your spinal canal has narrowed. Consequently, your shoulders and legs perhaps feel numb. This condition is common among people more than 60 years of age.


It is a condition in which a bone in the spine slips out of place and forward, generally in the lower back. This particular degenerative form of condition is known as arthritis. It weakens the ligaments and joints keeping the spine aligned. It can further cause a disc to move forward over a vertebra.

These are some of the most common reasons for Spine Back Pain Atlanta.